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Form Relative


For each CForm. It has a CFormContext which can be fetched by useFormContext

const formContext: CFormContextProps = useFormContext()
interface CFormContextProps {
col?: number
labelWidth?: string
labelDirection?: 'row' | 'row-reverse' | 'column' | 'column-reverse'
labelAlign?: 'left' | 'right' | 'center'
addValidator?: (field: string, newValidator: Validator[]) => void
validateAll?: () => Promise<void> | void
clearAll?: () => void
validateField?: (field: string, value: any) => void | Promise<void>
clearField?: (field: string) => void
errors?: Errors

interface Validators {
[key: string]: Validator[]

interface Errors {
[key: string]: string | false

type Validator = (value: any) => string | false | Promise<string | false>

For More see CFormItem.tsx Source Code


For each CFormItem. It has a CFormItemContext which can be fetched by useFormItemContext

const formItemContext: CFormItemContextProps = useFormItemContext()
interface CFormItemContextProps {
clearCurrent?: () => void
validateCurrent?: (v: any) => void
hasError?: false | string

For more usage see CInput.tsx Source Code